Eating right for your body.

Customised Meal Planning


Have you ever found that eating healthy all the time is, well, kinda hard?

You end up spending hours slaving away in the kitchen, which takes away from the time you need to unwind in front of Netflix. Or you’re eating the same damn chicken, broccoli and brown rice at every meal, and get so bored with healthy eating that you give up! 

If you throw in one or more allergies and intolerances, it gets even more difficult to juggle. And if there’s different dietary needs for different family members, well, you may as well throw in the towel.

You just want someone to cook for you, you want it tasty, healthy and affordable.

So what’s the solution?

A customised meal plan that is designed just for you!

Let’s get one thing straight. This plan isn’t one of those generic magazine meal plans, or a fad diet that promises but never delivers. It is everything you need it to be – easy to do, enjoyable to follow and tailored to you. You tell me your goals, your health concerns and what you need from your food, and I create a personalised plan.

If you have an allergy or intolerance test , only to find out you can’t tolerate garlic, onion and eggs? Not a problem. 

Need to follow a low FODMAP or low histamine protocol? I’ve got you covered.

Just want an easy to follow weight-loss plan that includes the breakdown of your macros and energy intake? You got it.

In one handy document, you get the meal plan along with recipes and even a shopping list. Everything you need is right at your fingertips and its all naturopath approved. All you need to do is eat up, and reap the rewards of nourishing your body!


How does it work?

I will sit down with your Compatibility report and fine tune your meal plan to exclude based on your report. If you haven’t have done the test you can arrange it by paying in full here or on payment plan here. It isn’t mandatory but it really helps to speed up the healing process.

How do I receive my plan?

Once you add Meal Planning to the cart, a form will pop up. You’ll need to complete the form, pay and then I will get to work formulating your meal plan. Once I have finalised it, I will email it to you. If you add the Compatibly Report to the cart too, I will assume you want me to wait for the results to create your naturopathic approved meal plan.


Do I need to have a consultation too?

It’s not a requirement to have a initial consultation or any testing to receive your personalised meal plan however, to be able to assist your body holistically it’s always better to have a full consultation, or at least a compatibility report to tailor it. That way I can prescribe some products to help you on your journey or fine tune your meal plan.

How long do I wait for my report? 

It can take up to two weeks but also depends on if you have purchased the Compatibility report (as that takes 2 weeks for the report) as well as the demand and the businesses of the clinic. It is my aim to get them out via email as soon as possible so you can start changing your life. If you have downloaded a generic meal plan then they will emailed immediately.